I was really happy with the snowspeeder model I have built, but I was unhappy with the stand included in the kit. I decided to try to build a piece of terrain and create simple scenery.
This was my first attempt to build a diorama and piece of terrain. My inspiration comes from the scene in Star Wars Episode V where snowspeeders are flying over Hoth and searching for Luke and Han. There are several shots where they fly low over a snowy terrain with rocks poking through the snow here and there.
I have used only a few materials:
aluminium foil to create moulds for rocks
piece of wood as a base
Mod Podge and baking soda for snow
brass rod to mount the model
Build log
Plaster cast into simple moulds from aluminium foil. Those are going to be rocks.I learned the plaster sticks to aluminium foil quite well. It was tedious to remove it. I also spent some time improving the result with a knife.Basic coat with anthracite paint I had from before.Added some wash to deepen the shadows and dry-brushed highlights. I am quite happy with the result. The paint was very brittle and easy to chip. Several coats of clear varnish helped.Testing snow. Different mixes of PVA glue, baking soda, Mod Podge and white paint. One of the samples is just a bit of Liquitex paste. Eventually, I chose Mod Podge with baking soda. I did the test a few days sooner and left it on the window to see if there is going to be any yellowing.Deciding on composition.I was afraid plaster wouldn't stick to the wood enough so I have hammered some short nails into the wood and left their heads sticking out a millimetre or two.I soaked the wood in water and covered it in fresh plaster, placed the rock and covered its edge with plaster as well.Once the plaster dried properly, I mixed Mod Podge with some water and a lot of baking soda and applied it over the plaster and parts of the rock. It was quite bubbly and kept creating bubbles so I kept returning and adjusting things as it was drying. I was also adding more baking soda to have texture on the top.Almost done. Just paint the edge of the base with white acrylic and place the model.Finished!
It’s not the last one!
I feel this does make the project feel more finished. Now it tells a bit more interesting story. I am certainly going to try another diorama for my next build. I have some plans for a scenery with a crashed X-Wing.